Monday, June 11, 2012

Universal Healthcare: The Ultimate Doomsday Prep

Why is it that, with the onset of the Internet blogger, objectivism has become clouded for the majority of Americans?  It's not really that difficult to tell the difference between a rant (this) and objective journalism (that).  Take, for example, the issue of the interesting subset of individuals known as "Doomsday Preppers". 
Doomsday Preppers are people who live their lives in preparation for a catastrophic event, not including feasible occurrences. They work ardently to make sure that they are going to be the ones who survive the apocalypse. 

I have two questions for this group.
First, why would you want to survive the apocalypse?
We've all seen the ruins of a burnt house before.  If you have seen a house that has burned completely, it is eery and quite disturbing.  Even if you have only seen images in news magazines, or on television, it can still be jarring.  I want to bring an image to the forefront of your mind.  Have you ever seen a house that had completely burned, and the entire thing is in ruins, except for the chimney/fireplace?  At first glance, you would never have even expected a house once stood on the lot, save for the uncannily well fortified fire stack.
My first thought, having seen this image was, "why didn't they make the whole house as well as the chimney?"  My thought was purely hypothetical, but the more I considered it, the motive of the Doomsday Prep bunch became more clear.  They are the ones, who systematically attempt to make their total environment "fortified". 
It seems feasible enough but if you think about it, really think about it, it is so far from it.

In the end we all bite the big one.

That's all there is to it.  You can cloister yourself away underground with a weird tilapia farm, and teach your kids to scramble every time a plane passes, but is that better than dying?  In the end it's the same argument as euthenasia.  Is a life without quality, still better than death?  It seems to me like the ultimate in faithlessness.  I define "faith", as a trust that you did everything to make yours a life that was well-lived.  If you spend your entire life delaying the inevitable, is yours a life well-lived?

Second question: Is it not just as worrisome, if not more so, that your family may contract an infection of some sort?  Shouldn't universal health coverage be a concern if you are 'prepping' for disaster? 
There is a much higher chance your loved one would contract a life threatening disease, and not get proper care?  I, personally, took health care for granted until my husband lost his job.  COBRA, for my family, would have been fifteen hundred dollars for the each month my spouse, or myself, was unemployed.  Fifteen hundred dollars cuts deep, especially with a baby who had not yet received all his vaccines.  Anyway, I digress.  My point is that the Doomsday Preppers should become as afraid, if hyperbole is what it takes, of real disasters rather than imagined, or unforeseen events.  A lot more people get ear infections than get taken out by a tornado... even as horrible as tornadoes are. 

A lot of you will see my views as 'liberal'.  I really don't see how I could be more objective.  I wouldn't dream of infringing on any one's right to live as they see fit.  I'm just observing and applying my filter.  I do believe that the idea of living one's life as if they were in a Cormac McCarthy novel is no way to live. 
I have seen a few episodes of "Doomsday Preppers" and they all seem to have an underlying fear in everything they do.  I think that's sad.  I also think it's sad to sink so much trouble in preparing for only oneself, or one's own family.  I've seen that episode of "The Twilight Zone", also.  I am more frightened by what the onset of the Doomsday Prepper says about our world. 

So, having said that, I would sooner walk into the monsoon than live my life in fear of it.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Here we go...

I'm not afraid to admit it.  I'm pissed about all this "bully" hype.  I'm tired of the PSAs. I'm sick of it.  What's the fucking problem?  Are bullies new? What, exactly, is everyone trying to achieve?  If your kid takes your gun to school to shoot people, I don't feel bad for you.  I don't give a shit who talked down to them, or made them feel bad... It should have been you.  You should have handled your fucking homicidal child before he used your gun to shoot innocent people. 
People commit suicide for one reason, they feel they can't live. 
If someone has the will to tough it out, it takes courage.  Being able to protect one's self isn't a privilidge, it's a right.  If someone hits you, you have the right to protect yourself. If your child is taking an ass beating everyday, and you suggest "verbal resolution", someone should beat your ass. I was bullied my entire 8th grade year.  I handled it myself, with no violence, and everything was fine.  I told my parents about it, and they let me know that if I wasn't equipped to handle it, they would.  The idea of that scared me worse than any bully ever could.  Children, nowadays, are either mean, or weak.  What the fuck is up with that?
 I'm fucking perplexed right now.
 I watched my 14 month old son smear his own shit on his face last week, and I thought, "Oh yeah, this little bastard's gonna have to learn to throw a punch."
The meanest group of people on this fucking earth wasn't the Nazis, it's children aged 12 to 17.  Bear this in mind, your child will have to deal with the same shit you did, but in a different form.  Coddling our kids is ensuring them, and forgiving, their weaknesses. 
That cannot be. 
The only strong person who ever stood behind a gun, is the person who was strong without it. 
The most offensive thing about the hype is the fact that it belittles the efforts of everyone who worked up the courage to defend themselves.  There have been millions of little George McFlys out there, building their courage, punching the bully, getting laid. 
Tell your children that if they're gonna get their asses beat, at least swing a punch.  Even if the punch doesn't connect, the kid'll feel like a fucking champ for trying... or, you could just let the president host a fucking HBO special, and pour yourself another drink.  Why are your kids watching HBO, anyway?